Our focus is on supporting gifted learners, and gifted identification is generally helpful to find strategies to support children in their education.
That said, gifted learning strategies are good for all children, thus children do not have to be identified as gifted to participate in any of our services. If your child needs enriching curriculum as well as support in social and emotional areas, The Gifted Collective is your place.
The National Association for Gifted Children (NAGC) define giftedness as:
Students with gifts and talents perform—or have the capability to perform—at higher levels compared to others of the same age, experience, and environment in one or more domains. They require modification(s) to their educational experience(s) to learn and realize their potential. Student with gifts and talents:
Come from all racial, ethnic, and cultural populations, as well as all economic strata.
Require sufficient access to appropriate learning opportunities to realize their potential.
Can have learning and processing disorders that require specialized intervention and accommodation.
Need support and guidance to develop socially and emotionally as well as in their areas of talent.
NAGC's definition of giftedness was developed from a white paper, Key Considerations in Identifying and Supporting Gifted and Talented Learners, prepared by the NAGC 2018 Definition Task Force.
It is difficult to estimate the absolute number of gifted children in the U.S. and the world because the calculation is dependent on the number of areas, or domains, being measured and the method used to identify gifted children. However, many consider children who are in the top 10 percent in relation to a national and/or local norm to be a good guide for identification and services. It is important to note that not all gifted children look or act alike. Giftedness exists in every demographic group and personality type.
It is important that adults look hard to discover potential and support gifted children as they reach for their personal best.
Academic courses are taught by certified, gifted trained teachers.
Other subject area courses are taught by experts in the field. For example, a martial arts class is taught by a martial arts expert and an art class is taught by an artist.
Each course description explains the age levels each class serves.
Generally, our independent classes (those where parents can drop off their child) begin at age seven and go up through high school.
For children younger than age 7, they are welcome to attend specially designated courses while their parents are at our facility for a course or activity.
The registration fees for each course vary based on the costs it takes to provide the course. These include paying our well experienced teachers, the length of the course, supplies needed for the class, facility overhead, the registration system, etc.
If additional supplies are required for a course, it will be noted in the course description. Most general supplies are provided but students will need to bring their own laptop/chrombook/tablet, they can bring water and a snack if desired, and some classes may ask for recyclable materials for projects, etc.
Generally, our enrichment courses are designed to supplement your child’s education. Some classes during the school day can take the place of a subject area if you are homeschooling your child. For example, a math class may be offered multiple times a week and will be explained in the description as a course that provides everything your child needs for a year of instruction in that subject area.
We have zero tolerance for threatening or intimidating behavior well as physical violence. Such behavior will result in parents having to come pick up their child immediately and the child will not be allowed to enroll in our courses again.
That said, we believe that minor behavior concerns with a child is an opportunity for that child to learn and grow. If a child is having a difficult time on any given day, they are encouraged take a break, relax, and rejoin the class when they are ready.
Teachers are here to help all students, but they will focus on those who are ready to learn during our classes. We believe that consistent disruptions and/or any form of disrespect, run contrary to the learning environment we have established and are not to be tolerated.
We reserve the right to withdraw enrollment of a child in our courses at any time if their behavior is consistently disruptive, is disrespectful, or threatening mentally or physically.
Please contact us. We are a small business, and we need to make sure our costs are covered; however, we are happy to work with families who are unable to pay for services their children need.
No. We are a private, secular educational facility. We do not focus on any one religion, nor do we discriminate against any religions. If we have a course that involves any kind of religious teachings, it will be clearly noted in the course description.
Yes. Our facility focuses on enrichment and acceleration, but we know many bright children need extra support from time to time. Please see our tutoring courses in the course catalog for more information.
We have no hidden fees. The cost for each class or event is the price you pay. The only exception may be if you choose to use ESA finds/Classwallet. Their fees will be added on to your invoice.
All costs are rolled into the registration fee for each course and event. We do not add fees for enrollment, credit card use, etc. Some courses may require/request some supplies be brought to the class, but that will be clearly noted in the course description.
Currently no. We are exploring offering memberships which would include discounts, etc. in the future.
Yes. Please contact us if you would like to be able to use our facility. We have two classrooms as well as a conference room.