Our Founder
Adam C Laningham, M.Ed
Owner, Founder, & Lead Teacher
Adam Laningham is the author of several books, including Gifted Children & How Trauma Impacts Them, and has over 20 years of experience in the field of education. Adam was recognized as the Arizona Gifted Teacher of the Year, he has taught at several schools in multiple grade levels, created and facilitated numerous gifted programs, and served as a district manager coordinating programs for over 6000 gifted students. He has a reputation for innovation when it comes to creating and supporting learning programs and devoted advocacy with helping those who are not having their needs meet in the educational system.
Adam is the founder and owner of Bright Child Books and The Gifted Collective. He is also an international speaker, consultant, the current President of Supporting the Emotional Needs of the Gifted, a member of Arizona Association for Gifted and Talented’ Leadership Council, a founding member of Callisto (supporting gifted foster youth), and an advisor for CogAT Riverside Insights.
Currently Adam spends his time running his businesses, supporting multiple nonprofit organizations, consulting, providing advocacy, public speaking, writing books, and being the lead teacher The Gifted Collective and Gifted Microschool.
About Us
We are not a chain. We are not a franchisee. We are Arizona-based educators.
Founded and led by Adam Laningham, we are a group of gifted educators and professionals who created a learning center for the gifted and curious minds of Arizona. Our dream is to have a place that is welcoming and inclusive for all gifted learners and their families, while providing the resources and services this unique community needs. We work to support children being educated in the school system, those who are in homeschool, as well as those who want to come to our Gifted Microschool for their academic needs. We also support their parents and educators. Though our learning center was created specifically for gifted and neurodivergent learners, we welcome all children who need more enriching support to meet their academic needs.
We come from the Arizona educational system and know the challenges the school system has supporting neurodiverse learners. Our goal is to be the place where these children are understood, supported, and can flourish.
To this end, The Gifted Collective, collects amazing educators, service providers, and resources to service the community. We are proud to be Arizona's first Gifted Microschool (opening Fall of 2024), the physical home of Bright Child Books, and partner with many educational, mental health, and holistic experts to support gifted learners and their families academically, physically, socially, emotionally, and mentally.
We specialize in gifted education and know how to meet the needs of our gifted learners. That said, gifted learning strategies are good for all children, thus children do not need to be identified as gifted to participate in any of our services. If your child needs an enriching curriculum as well as support in social and emotional areas, The Gifted Collective is the right place for them.
Gifted, neurodivergent learners are unique and are often not fully understood. Gifted individuals are able to grasp academic concepts and make connections in their area of giftedness, far beyond what their typical age level peers can. Yet many gifted children also struggle in areas they are not gifted in. Often these students are challenged in social situations and require emotional support and understanding to cope with their feelings and giftedness. Gifted children have amazing academic potential but frequently struggle in school without emotional support. Our facility was created by those who understand giftedness and who can provide the foundation needed to help them reach their potential.
What Makes Us Different?
We specialize in gifted education and the support of these children both academically and emotionally. We know how to meet the needs of our gifted learners, as well as any child who would flourish is a nurturing and creative environment. Our teachers are state certified educators. They also hold or are working on earning their Gifted Teaching Endorsement. Guest presenters or facilitators are background checked and are experts in the field they are presenting on.
• Focusing both on academics and social & emotional support
• Helping the children better understand themselves
• Providing tools to help them cope with feelings and difficult situations
• Training teachers in gifted pedagogy
• Providing support for parents and guardians of gifted learners
• Working with mental health providers
• Collaborating with gifted, nonprofit organizations
What Do We Offer?
Classes for gifted and/or curious learners
Weekdays for homeschool families
After noons for all learners
Spring Break
Summer Camps
Our Math Bridge Program supports students who need to accelerate a grade level in math. More Information
A new school option for curious learners
Built by certified, gifted teachers
Starting with Grades 3-8
Opening August 2024
We are proud to offer gifted identification testing using the Cognitive Abilities Test (CogAT). The CogAT not only can be used for gifted placement into school programs, but it also offers a wealth of information on how children learn as well as strategies to support their learning. See more here.
o Homeschooling parent classes
o Homeschooling parent co-op
o Parent nights to support those raising gifted children
o SENG Community Groups for parents
o Books and resources
o Special events
o Continuing education coursework on giftedness
o SENG Community Groups for teachers
o Books and resources
o Special events